Bernard arrived early this morning with big ideas for some pitch-work and set about the day dreaming up, if I dare say, very clever stuff. Bernard, who can boast years of creative experience, has a certain gift for dissecting work down to its bare essentials, a process he defines as "creative demolition." As part of a creative exercise, De Raphael led a workshop in which he asked the Mutt team to pinpoint the exact moment at which we develop a creative idea. During this split second when an idea is born, the rest of the team were instructed to quickly jump up and shout complete gibberish into the idea-conjurer's ears until he had forgotten the idea altogether. By doing this, Bernard says, we can avoid nearly 95% of all bad ideas.
"By extinguishing the spark before it catches a fire, we can avoid burning down the entire building," says De Raphael confidently from a perch on Megan's desk.
From all of us at Mutt Industries (well, at least those who aren't away on a high-priority international client meeting) it has been an honor having you stop by today Bernard-Jacques.

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