Sunday, May 3, 2009

Satan's Pissing Me Off.

So it’s been a month since I last wrote about yoga. And to be honest, I’m about to crack some skulls. As I’m learning, there are two types of Bikram instructors: one is a total hard-ass hell bent on destroying your soul and sapping you of all precious bodily fluids; the other is Satan. Being the good student that I am, I’ve been working hard to adhere to the mantras of focus, patience and discipline; I’ve also learned that if I get to class early I can usually cheat by scoring a spot next to the window (which is considerably cooler). Unfortunately none of this matters when Satan is teaching. Following class one of my yoga partners, a 60 year-old ex-doctor, went absolutely berserk on Satan. Miffed by Satan’s refusal to open the window throughout the 90-minute death march, the Doc chortled, “I don’t care for your tough guy teaching. It’s literally impossible to breath when 40 people are hyperventilating in a fucking sardine can.” His f-bomb, not mine. As luck would have it, I too was overcome with hostility towards Satan and angrily threw a couple towels around the locker room to prove I meant business. Unfortunately this seemed to scare and confuse my yoga partners. And instead of slapping me on the back, the way my buddies did when I used to get t’eed up in hoops, my sweaty compatriots all fled the locker room in terror.

PS-Btw, the above photo is not of Satan. If it were I would write something clever and potentially illegal and attach it to Satan's Subaru Outback.


alison said...

"You see this sign here? It says NO WHINING."

brittontaylor said...

That satan guy looks a lot like the elf warrior whatshisname dude in lord of the rings. i'd totally take yoga lessons from that guy. hot!