Monday, February 9, 2009

I Want to Interact with You.

Today, my friends, is reader participation day! Yes, a rich, deep interactive experience courtesy of Scotty McLuker. Here is the assignment, er, interactive experience: If you were a client who didn’t know a thing about Mutt, what questions would you want to ask of us? For example, What makes Mutt unique? or Why do we call ourselves Mutt? Please post any and all questions below. Clever, sarcastic responses are more than welcome, so long as they’re accompanied by something moderately helpful. Thanks in advance friends.


LD said...

I could really care less why you're called Mutt - what your name is matters not. What I would want to know is what is it you will do for me and my business that other, more reputable, more efficient, more global, more experienced, more niche, more responsible, more connected, more local can and will do? Why Mutt - why should I first listen to and then give a shit about another start-up agency?

alison said...

i'd like to know more about the hot mutt mates. esp mona.

Unknown said...

You guys have been managing teams of talented people doing work for some exciting global brands for years. As a client I think I'd want proof that you're ready to dig back in on smaller, challenger brands with less money and less cache. How do you feel about getting back in the weeds and personally being on the hook for the work?

LD said...

I was a bit harsh earlier, but I do think you need to clearly and succinctly lay out the why, the what and the how. How are you different/same? Why should we listen/engage? What do you provide/deliver in return? It is tough out there today and what too much "sameness" exists in our business - figure out the one thing you can do better than anyone else and do that one thing.

LD said...

that should read "way too much sameness" above.

lfg said...

I'd want to know how you think an agency client relationship works best, when is it most functional? I would also be curious to know what you think are your greatest strengths as an agency? What do you like to do and where do you shine?

And how you got such hot mutt mates.

Bem said...

Most agencies think that the client is "stupid" and that they should leave any and all creative calls to the agency. Some agencies believe that clients can make valid creative calls...which of these two agencies are you?
If you are the first, why should a client trust you?
If you are the later, are you the type of agency that can check your ego at the door when the client doesn't agree with your creative direction? How do you handle this balance between business vs. creative calls?

Mutt said...

thanks to everyone for your thoughtful remarks...very good stuff. and LD, thanks for your was needed.

Rachel said...

If you could make up a list of stuff future clients need to do/ read/ hear/ experience in order to work with your shop andculture, what would be on your dream to-do list for them?

kelly said...

You're a tiny company; what clients are really signing up for is YOU. So I would want to know: why you three? What do each of you bring (beyond your illustrious pasts), and why/how does the sum of you make magic?

kelly said...

One more thing: what would be your dream client (real or imagined) and what would you want to do for them?

Ulysses said...

I'd like to know how three average joes like yourselves got such hot lady-friends. Luck? Charity?