Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Our most loyal readers will remember a post two months ago about the game-changing Snuggie. At the time it was the coolest Christmas gift in America. And only Portland hipsters like me knew about it. Apparently that’s no longer the case. Check out the tools from The Today Show pretending to be street in my Snuggie. I know trends come-and-go. And that no one (outside of tatted copywriters) owns cool. But this one hurts. And if Matt Lauer were sitting next to me right now, I’d do a downward dog on his head. Wait, that's not what I mean.


LD said...

You to can get rich one day - just need to take all filters out of you head and go for the moronic...$19.95 plus $15.60 in S& over 4 million sold, that's a solid retirement in any language.

alison said...

if it's such an easy way to make money, why don't you do it LD?

Unknown said...

I'm not sure they come in my size.

Unknown said...

If you could only convince those 4 million people to just put their bathrobes on backwards...