Monday, March 23, 2009

Insight of the Day.

As a strategic planner, it’s critical that I share my unique perspective on things like culture, religion, politics and hot dogs. Without my POV, the world of advertising and the creative people who populate it would die on the vine. Some folks I know would be appalled by this assertion. Others, including my former colleague Ulysses, would simply nod in agreement and ask me to refill his coffee mug. Reason being, Ulysses is what we in the business call a visionary. He, and his fellow Messiahs, see, hear and feel things the common man overlooks. Things such as, why people drink PowerAde (because it has power), why people quit their jobs (because they’re unhappy) and why people play Guitar Hero (because they like music). I realize that for most novices, these "insights" probably sound obvious. But let me assure you, they're not. Just ask Ulysses.


Ulysses said...

No need to get sore. I like reading your blog. It's funny and I like the pictures. I'm just saying that it's unlikely i'd put your blog in my igoogle under the "planning" tab, if you know what i mean. Even if you had an RSS feed. I might put it under "funny stuff" or "entertainment" if i had tabs like that but I like to keep my igoogle pretty focused. And you forgot one of the great insights of the past 20 years - Coke is refreshing.

LD said...

The never ending battle over what true planning is made of. Is it the ability to see what is happening out in the world and turn it into an insight? Or to know how to go out into the world and find where the insights exist? Two sides of a coin...Or are they?

alison said...

Mutt belongs to the world. We should all strive to Speak Mutt.

Mutt said...

i taught all three of you punks everything i know. don't ever forget that.

brittontaylor said...

Please god put up a new post. I can't look at Brand Matt's face anymore. I see it enough every day at work.

Mutt said...

it is an ugly mug, isn't it Britton? looks like he's added a few lbs. too.

kelly said...
